Enjoying the Children and “God Surprises” (8/30/15)

Kids singing


 Our time in the Palampur area was filled with house visits, small gatherings, individual ministry and God surprises (a short break from the conferences). One morning we went to Bablu’s house, who I connected with last year. They had at least 30 people all gathered outside waiting for us to come. Many of them I had met last year so there were lots of hugs and smiles when we arrived.  We worshiped and I ministered. It was so good to see everyone again. They are all growing in the Lord and now with Ashish ministering here, there will soon be a church here. A godly woman has a small piece of land next to her house. She said she had a dream and wants to donate it to build a church. Ashish is very excited!

IMG-20150901-WA0003We also went to Adarsh’s village. I found out that we were the first white Christians who had been there. We had a great time of worship and fellowship. About 25-30 people had gathered there. It was a joy to hold Adarsh’s son, Prince Joshua, who many of you prayed for several months ago. He is doing well. We went to another villageDan with Prince Joshua closeup where there was only one Christian family and had prayer. Once again, the first white Christians to ever be there. There are many, many villages in the region.  None of them have a church and there are only a few Christians among tens of thousands of people.

Last night we went to a tea plantation. No one knew why.  We were told we would learn about tea and pray over the area. We learned the workers live there with their families and one of the supervisors is a Christian. He gathers people together for prayer there each week. They took us into a small room with a dirt floor and soon about 60 people gathBarb with child on lapered, all cramped into this very hot, small space. It had a tin roof and it was raining very hard so it was very loud. There were a lot of kids there so I told one of my old stories.  They loved it and begged for another. It was such a random unplanned time and we all just loved it. A God surprise!

Barb and Mandy sat with children on their laps the whole time.  It was such a precious time as we ministered to these workers who make $2-$3 a day plucking 30-40 Kilos of tea.

We finished off the day back at Bablu’s house for dinner. I found out a woman I had prayed for last year to conceive is now 8 months pregnant. I’ve heard several of these testimonies. Also, a woman Ashish had us praying for in recent months who had breast cancer is now totally healed and cancer free. She is an amazing woman of God and it was such great news to hear she was healed.

We are so thankful for all the prayers back home that are carrying us safely through this trip with all the traveling. The team has been healthy and God’s spirit has been flowing through each one in a powerful way throughout the trip. THANK YOU for your continued prayers, and those who have given financially so we could “go.” We all feel so incredibly blessed.
