Thank You for Your Support in 2022

A note from Dan…

In March of 2020 I was forced to leave India due to the Covid pandemic.  It was more than two years later that I was able to return in June, 2022.

I wasn’t sure what to expect upon my return but what I found truly astounded me. Our ministry partners not only endured the worst Pandemic in modern history but they actually flourished in it.

When I left India we had one class of 17 students enrolled in ISOM, (International School Of Ministry). Today we have more than 4000 students enrolled with over 100 who have fully graduated with a Bible Studies diploma.

We had begun ISOM in one language and now we are fully active in 4 languages and are making plans to expand into the nation of Nepal. When I was there last fall, God opened up an entire state for us to expand ISOM into by giving us wonderful strategic contacts that only He could do. He truly is an amazing God! The Word of God is being taught and people are being trained to become spiritual leaders, bearing fruit among their own people.

In addition to enduring and thriving through the pandemic the church has also been growing during an unprecedented amount of persecution against Christians. Even as the government is doing all they can to shut down churches, remove foreign missionaries and pass laws against conversion, the church continues to grow. Please keep your Indian brothers and sisters in prayer during this time of intensified persecution.

In Kashmir, our sheep project continues to multiply.  It was a great joy to return last summer and fall to visit our shepherds and see how God has been blessing them. God is on the move like never before in North India and it is a joy to run with Him.  In fact, it is becoming a little difficult to keep up!

All of this is happening because you help send us. You have sent us again and again through your prayers and your sacrificial giving and I know you will reap an eternal investment. Thank you for caring. Thank you for giving. Thank you for praying. Thank you for partnering with us in this incredible journey.

There is still so much work to be done.  Millions still have not heard.  Millions still remain bound in the darkness of false Gods but we know Jesus has come to set the captives free and as always our heart is, ”Here am I Lord, send me!”

I plan to return to North India again this summer and this fall.  While I am home I continue to stay active working with BridgeBuilders praying throughout the state of Arizona. Your continued prayers and giving are so much appreciated!