Our mandate is to release the Presence and Knowledge of Jesus Christ among unreached people groups of South Asia, promoting church planting and transformational revival.
This is being accomplished in ways such as:
- Mobilizing teams for prayer journeys throughout South Asia to bring spiritual breakthrough and open new regions for church planting.
- Form partnerships with local Christian leaders and organizations that work in these regions.
- Conduct leadership conferences bringing repentance, humility and unity, creating sustained cooperation in advancing the Kingdom of God
- Conduct revival conferences for the purpose of strengthening the believers, releasing the presence of God and bringing accelerated growth to the churches.
- Financially support the building of prayer halls creating a physical and spiritual power point and a safe place to worship.
- Provide transportation for pastors helping them become more effective in their ministries.
- Help Christians establish small businesses that will help them become more self-sustaining.
- Help sponsor sporting events for community outreach.