Transportation for Pastors

“Let’s Roll”

Supporting local pastors with vehicles to spread the Gospel


All over India there are thousands of pastors that have no transportation at all. Many of them own one pair of shoes and one set of clothing and they walk endless miles sharing the gospel, winning souls and planting house “groups.” A gift of $65.00 will purchNew bicycles for Pastorsase a bicycle that will be of great help and encouragement to these hard working men and women of God.

If you’d like to sow into this need, please click here and designate your gift.



India Motor Bike photo5 Rivers has become partners with ministries in South East Asia, one that has a house “group” network of over 30,000 house churches. We have committed to help provide motorcycles to pastors who are on the front lines of these ministries. Each of these pastors plant house “groups” that multiply. Many of them will walk or ride a bike from village to village overseeing their ever expanding works. $1,000.00 will provide a pastor with a motorcycle that they so desperately need to continue to advance the Kingdom of God. This small gift of transportation transforms the productivity of their ministries.

If you’d like to sow into this need, please click here and designate your gift.


Car given to DanielIn the regions of the upper Himalayas the weather can be very harsh with cold rain and snow. Most of the pastors go from village to village by walking, bicycle or motor bike. Whenever possible 5 Rivers will help purchase a 5 passenger vehicle for a church leader who has multiple ministry sites. The cost to purchase a new vehicle for a worthy christian leader is $8,000.00.

If you’d like to sow into this need, please click here and designate your gift..