Crazy Favor

Our dear friend, Ashish, lives in an area of North India where Christians are highly persecuted. But in the middle of these difficult circumstances, God has given him crazy favor with the local government of that state. Recently, he was invited to the governor’s birthday party. They all know he is a Christian leader but rather than shun or even attack him, he was invited as a VIP to be with the governor.

While the governor was preparing to cut the birthday cake, Ashish’s 6-year-old daughter was in the crowd. Seeing her, the governor called her over to help cut the cake.  She even fed a piece of the cake to the governor! Later, Ashish was invited to go to the governor’s house for a personal meeting.

I know that may not sound like much for us, but for a Christian leader in North India it is unprecedented.  It is just one sign of how God has raised this man up and given him governmental authority to advance His Kingdom in that region. Ashish boldly preaches Christ everywhere he goes and is fearless in his faith.

Ashish has been busy helping church leaders in several different states and establishing more ISOM training points.  Right now, he has about 500 students enrolled in ISOM receiving training to be church planters.  May God continue to bless this man and multiply the work of his hands all over North India!