Weavers – A Small Business Project

Weavers2Many people of Asia live in extreme poverty. Those known as the Weavers live in miserable conditions and earn about $1.00 per day. Most live in small huts with dirt floors, no toilets and no electricity. They hand weave one of the famous variety of sarees in the world. While this clothing is sold at a huge profit, the workers are treated one step above slave labor.

Many of the Weavers have become Christians and attend local house churches. Through the house church, a strategy has been created to help break this generational exploitation by the wholesalers and lift the people out of poverty and oppression.

Weavers1A small business for Weaving can be created for $400.00. For this amount the looms and thread can be purchased and 5 people can be employed. They have an overall goal of creating 30 weaving shops, ($400.00 per shop) employing 150 people. In this way, not only do the weavers get set free from the oppression but they are given the ability to prosper and properly care for their families. In addition, as they prosper, they tithe to their local house church helping to support the ministry. Just $400.00 can make a huge difference in many lives.

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