There Are Still No Closed Doors

It has always been in the DNA of 5 Rivers that there are no closed doors.  Over and over again, it has been a signet of our ministry that God would take us into places that had been closed for generations.

Last June we were on our way to one of those closed regions when I had the accident and broke my leg. As the saying goes, delayed does not mean denied.  I rejoice that Ashish was able to take a team and go into this region last month and do a prayer drive.  He even stopped at the exact location of the accident to give praise to God that we lived and they were able to go into a new territory where the Gospel has never been preached.

It is a great joy to see people that I have mentored for years go where I was not able to. This is the fruit of all the years of going and praying.  Thanks to your faithful prayers and giving that made it all possible, India is in good hands of those who have been trained to GO.