The Kingdom is Advancing

“We are compelled to print thousands more copies of the ISOM training manuals in Hindi and Oria. The needs are increasing as many more are being enrolled. We are also purchasing 100 cell phones and many more memory cards for ISOM to continue to expand. We are purchasing 1,000 carpets (the Indians mostly sit on carpets for their teaching), 250 bicycles, 1,000 black boards and 10,000 Bibles. Please pray.” This was the text I received from my friend, Josh, recently.  I had to stop and just laugh at how huge the needs are.  My spirit leaps for joy because this list of needs tells us how much the Kingdom of God is advancing in India.

WOW!!! This is crazy! In the midst of intense persecution (reports of beatings, villages being burned, and pastors imprisoned in the middle of the night continue to come in), the Gospel is being preached. People, entire families, are being saved. People are being healed and set free from demons. Thousands of leaders are being trained to be church planters and the Kingdom of God is being manifested in India.

Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”  This is absolutely what is happening in India and we rejoice! We praise God for our ministry partners that have remained faithful, courageous, and are always advancing rather than drawing back.

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