The rest of the US and India Team members have arrived safely and we are now enjoying ministry together in another area of Himachal Pradesh…the second conference of six in various locations. Please pray for these meetings and unity among the leaders in these regions. Thank you!
Some highlights from this past week:
After Sunday ministry in Delhi upon arrival 8/16, it was off to the beautiful mountain villages of north India with a small India team. It is peak apple harvest season here – a billion dollar industry mainly in Himachal. Apples are not indigenous to this region. An American missionary brought them to this area in the late 1800’s and now it is the #1 driving force of the economy. We hiked a mile and a half up the mountain and the next morning we were trained to “pluck” apples. Ravi’s father is the apple master and there really is an art to plucking! You would not believe how perfectly gentle they are with each apple. We then hiked about 10 miles up and down the mountain prayer walking villages and temples. What a wonderful day.
In the evening we went to Ravi’s cousins house and had prayer and worship. His cousin had severe ear pain and God healed him instantly. This is the same place where we were last year and God healed his wife of years of severe body pain. (She is still healed by the way.) Each time we go the people become more and more friendly and they are more and more open to Jesus as we share His love for them. Continue Reading…