We just finished two conferences in Solan area. The first day was in a village and it was incredible. The presence of God was off the charts and the packed out room of approximately 200 responded beautifully. We had lengthy times in worship and just waiting in His presence. Such a hunger for God, and such beautiful brothers and sisters. God so delights in showing up. He healed many bodies and hearts that day.
In Solan we were able to use an Evangelical Free church right in the middle of town. A woman named Deborah is the pastor. Her husband passed away just last year. Since they are not pentecostal it was a big step for them to give us the church for the conference. We are so grateful as God filled it to capacity.
There were about 250 people there. The room was packed out with people standing along the walks and on the doorways. The presence of God was very strong. There were extended times where He just came and the people would worship, pray and be swept up in the Spirit.