First Things First

I hear it all the time: ”You are the first foreigner to ever visit our village.” (Usually means I am the first Christian there, too, very cool.) “I am the first Christian in my village.” “I am the first Christian in my family.” “This is the first house church in this area.” This is the first prayer hall that will ever be built in this region.” “This is the first time we have ever had a pastors conference bringing the leaders together in unity.” “This is the first time we have ever had a healing and revival conference in a CNI church.”                                                 

It is a great honor to be a part of firsts…helping to establish things that have not been done before. This is one of the ways God has been using this ministry. As He unfolds His strategy, He leads us into regions full of unreached people groups and uses us to bring spiritual breakthrough…to create a starting point from which the Kingdom of God can take root, and grow.

Screenshot_2015-10-20-14-15-37But first we PRAY. This is always Gods strategy…to pray. We prayer walk temples,, high places and spiritual power points. We walk and pray, drive and pray, ride motorcycles and pray, climb mountains and pray, stand on roof tops and pray. We pray…and God moves. At times God has taken me into a city or a region where I knew no one. I was just sent there to pray. And now, within a year or less of being there, I am 20151009_152754being invited to come back into those cities to hold healing and revival conferences, encouraging and strengthening the churches. Is this just a coincidence? I think not! Prayer moves God. Prayer opens up unreached territories. Prayer is always FIRST.

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