Another Amazing Week in Punjab

It’s hard to describe this past week of ministry in Punjab. The pictures help tell the story. We have done so many things in so many places!

Rick prayingIMG-20160402-WA0000close up prayer

Dan-Rick-Mushtaq-leaders PunjabWe began with a 2 day pastors’ conference bringing unity, humility, forgiveness and healing.  There were 80 pastors in attendance who now are making plans to have us return next year for a 3 day revival conference where they all would bring their churches together.  At least 10,000 people would be expected to attend.

We then conducterejoicing in upper roomd a revival conference for pastor Raj in Amritsar. There were more than 250 people crammed into an upper room for 3 days of meetings. The Presence of God came with great love and ministered to the people. There were many healings as well as deliverances.

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