“How many villages are in these mountains”?
“There are thousands of villages in these mountains, pastor.”
“How many Christians are in those villages”?
“There are no Christians there, pastor.” “None??”
“No, pastor, there are no Christians there. When we ask them if they know Jesus, they say ‘No, who is he? We have never met him. He has never come here.’ They have no idea who Jesus is, pastor.”
It took a moment for this to register in my mind, then it began to penetrate my Spirit…thousands of villages…tens of thousands of people who have never once heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How could this be? Then, to think this same picture was duplicated hundreds of times throughout the mountains of North India…I just wanted to weep…and GO!
During the next few days we visited some of these villages. In one of the homes they invited people to come hear about Jesus. We worshipped, told them about the God who loved them and died for them, and then we prayed. One after another received healing and deliverance. The joy on their faces when their pain was gone was priceless. One woman kept stretching her arms above her head saying, “I could never do this before,” smiling broadly.