In Kashmir, the Church of North India (CNI) owns several large properties that have been vacant for years. One such property is in an area of southern Kashmir where it is 100% Muslim with no known believers.
During my last trip to this region I was able to meet with Dr. Sarah who is the head of a CNI hospital. She shared with me that the people in the area of this vacant property are in great need of health care as they have no access to a hospital or clinic. Dr. Sarah is ready to commit doctors and nurses who would serve at the clinic, however the property needs to first be renovated/restored to usable condition.
Also, on this property, there is a small chapel that we hope to use as a House of Prayer and bring prayer teams into Kashmir. Next to this chapel there is a grave yard for missionaries that had worked in this area more than 50 years ago, and we believe we are providing an answer to their prayers.
5 Rivers has committed to giving $10,000.00 to reactivate this property into a health clinic and House of Prayer. By restoring this property, we will be able to plant a Christian ministry in the heart of a Muslim region and change lives. Thank you for prayerfully considering a donation.