What an incredible prayer journey! We had an international team of eight people who came from Egypt, Thailand, India and America. We had a wonderful time prayer walking high places (one at 18,380 feet!), monasteries and other power points throughout two states and were able to do some personal ministry along the way. One state was primarily Buddhist while the other one was primarily Hindu.
Recently, there has been renewed persecution against the Christians here. We were able to connect with some dear friends that have been working in these difficult areas for a long time. God used us to minister to them bringing renewed faith and encouragement. He also used us to release some divine strategy of how to continue to grow even as the churches and Bible schools are being attacked and shut down. We were able to do teaching on how to implement a house church strategy. Everywhere we went the pastors listened intently and received the teaching with eagerness and open hearts.
Another strategy we were able to release was the establishing of ISOM training centers. ISOM is the acronym for International School of Ministry. There are 160 classes on video with some of the best teaching available anywhere in the world.