2022 Giving Statements have been sent out via email from our accounting system on 1/27/23. Please check your junk folder and contact us if you have not received yours.
A note from Dan…
In March of 2020 I was forced to leave India due to the Covid pandemic. It was more than two years later that I was able to return in June, 2022.
I wasn’t sure what to expect upon my return but what I found truly astounded me. Our ministry partners not only endured the worst Pandemic in modern history but they actually flourished in it.
When I left India we had one class of 17 students enrolled in ISOM, (International School Of Ministry). Today we have more than 4000 students enrolled with over 100 who have fully graduated with a Bible Studies diploma.
We had begun ISOM in one language and now we are fully active in 4 languages and are making plans to expand into the nation of Nepal. When I was there last fall, God opened up an entire state for us to expand ISOM into by giving us wonderful strategic contacts that only He could do. He truly is an amazing God! The Word of God is being taught and people are being trained to become spiritual leaders, bearing fruit among their own people.