(Mar 21, 2015) God is full of surprises! On Thursday, we were invited to go to a school with about 200 kids, started by a guy who wanted to care for the street kids (most live in tents). They are called “ragpickers” because they would pick through the garbage looking for recyclables to sell. I had no idea we were doing this until our driver stopped at the school. After it was all over I found out about the children and where they come from.
They lined up the children in 2 lines and we passed between them as threw flowers on us and put a string of flowers on our necks. They were all shouting Welcome, God bless you. They all looked so beautiful, clean and innocent in their uniforms. Andrew played a song for them. They asked me to share. Once again, I had no idea where these kids came from…so I shared about dad, the alcohol, the beatings, mom…The presence of God was beautiful. At the end they brought a little girl up to me for a presentation and told me “she has no mother and no father.” She hugged me and I just about broke. It was the most amazing time of sharing the love of the Father. It is an experience none of us will forget. They were amazed that a white man had a similar story. Continue reading…