God’s on the Move – Healings, Salvations, Revival!

It’s been an exciting week in India! Ministry began day one sharing with 200 pastors at an annual conference in Delhi with Solomon and Harvest Ministries to the Unreached. Prayed with Josh’s church Saturday and then ministered in Solomon’s church in Chandigarh on Sunday (and two other locations) where we saw many healings and deliverances. Not only Shema, but Joby and Rhema from Delhi have been an integral part of this week’s team.

Joby-Rhema praying over Vijay family MAR16Monday we traveled with Vijay, one of the leaders of the Nazarene organization, to Amritsar, Punjab, the “land of 5 rivers.” During the day Joby and Rhema spoke at a small church and did a great job releasing the Presence of God and ministering to the people.That evening was the revival convention. They had expanded beyond the Nazarene church and over 25 pastors united their churches to help host the event. They were hoping for 500, but nearly 800 people came to the large hall they rented. This was historic!

Lg Group Shot3-Amritsar MAR16

We had a great time of worship and then Shema and I preached.  Vijay had told me the main reason they asked me to come was because they wanted me to pray…that they saw I had power to pray (don’t we all?)! So we preached and then we prayed. Continue reading