Our Assignment: 40 Hours of Prayer

prayer-circleOur second week began with a 3-day stay at a CNI church doing a House of Prayer in the volatile region of Kashmir, with someone “on the wall” for 40 hours straight except for a few meals and tea breaks. The Spirit came on us with waves of His presence showing us what to pray. Praying in accordance with the will of God is prayingalways enriching and fulfilling as the Spirit prays through us. To be His vessels for this purpose was a great honor. In the morning members from the church joined us along with some Korean missionaries. Declared I Peter 2:9-10 over the youth of Kashmir.

kashmir-newspaperWe rejoiced hearing of increased movement on the streets, more shops open, traffic slowly picking up. Also there were some happenings in the UN between India and Pakistan that may affect infiltration of militant elements across the borders. We prayed long and hard for the borders of our nations! About 3:30am on the second night Shema began to hit it with a great anointing…the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is walking the border shaking his mane of fire. A local woman came to join us and God gave her a strong Spirit of intercession…she prayed all night with a great burden of the Lord. She is the one who suggested the reconciliation service to end our time together on the last day, whichfoot-washing-2 was very powerful as Indians and Kashmir’s asked each other’s forgiveness, wreconciliation-prayerashed each other’s feet and took communion to-
gether. It was a beautiful time in the presence of the Lord. So powerful and anointed.

Continue Reading about Week 2…