Adventures in Egypt


We arrived in Cairo and reconnected with Chrissy and Krista who had headed home the week before…these girls are pouring themselves out to obey God in a very difficult land. They were unbelievable hosts setting us up in a 3 bedroom apartment and working out the best schedule possible for us to be introduced to Egypt and begin prayer walking.


minaret-cairoWe covered much territory in prayer during our week in Egypt. Our first day we went to the Citadel, a Muslim fortress built around 1200 AD. We then went to an ancient mosque that had been built at the gate of the city…there is a very high minaret built on either side of the gate and legend has it that a demon guards that gate. We divided up our team and went up both towers and began to call back and forth quoting scripture and declaring that the ancient gates were being lifted up for the King Of Glory to come in…what a powerful time.

team-on-camels-back-viewWe prayer walked/rode the ancient pyramids of Giza, praying specifically at all 3 pyramids as the area is now used by new age groups to conduct séances and the like. We were able to ride camels in the desert in this area, quite the experience! Also had the opportunity to take a prayer boat ride on the Nile river and later prayed over Tahrir Square, where the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, part of the Arab Spring, took place. In the evening we met with some wonderful friends of Chrissy and Krista and enjoyed a great night of prayer and worship.

Read the full report here with many more pictures…