No Closed Doors

Trip overview by Shema

Screenshot_2015-10-22-22-10-10Srinagar, 2015: Riots were still burning hot in the city when we arrived. The tear gas hung heavy in the air when we were dropped off on the street strewn with rocks that stone pelters had only moments ago used as weapons to engage the riot police. We had come in to do 3 days of revival meetings in a conflict zone…what a great idea! And as we moved in obedience, God came powerfully, and healed and set people free!

2016: The riots had resumed. Curfew was on for the 70th day straight. Markets were closed, streets were deserted. Food was scarce. We decided we had to go back again. If not now, then when? This time God inspired us to go into the city and pray for the region, for 24 hours, or more if we could. We would turn the church into a house of prayer while we were there. Local believers joined us. We slept on the floor in a back room, taking turns keeping watch in worship and intercession.

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