All eyes are focused on Arizona during this historic time and we know God is at work. Here at “home” it has been a joy to become part of BridgeBuilders and work with Hal and Cheryl Sacks as we pray for Arizona and our nation.
Recently, under their leadership, we sent out a call across the valley for leaders of intercessory prayer networks to gather, connect, and hear from the Lord. More than 40 leaders gathered and the Presence of God was wonderful as we fellowshipped and prayed and heard from many of them of what God was doing in their ministries. It is our desire to strengthen these relationships and work together more closely to see a great move of God. What a joy to be found in such a great company of prayer warriors who just love Jesus.
- Please continue to pray with us for a great Awakening in Arizona and in our Nation.
- It’s a great time for focused prayers on your own state, communities and neighborhoods. Check out SEAPC’s Pray America initiative happening in July: