Recently, I felt like God was laying Yuma on my heart. It is a strategic border city in the southwest corner of Arizona. The problem was I had no contacts there to connect with. I decided to call the team together and plan the trip, trusting God would connect us with key individuals along the way. The next night I saw 2 national news reports about the immigration crisis and how it was affecting Yuma. To me that was a confirmation to go. One day later God led me to meet a woman here in Phoenix that is from Yuma. Her father in law is on the city council of Yuma, her mother is part of an intercessory prayer group there and she was able to put us in contact with a great church there. It is amazing what God will do if we are willing to step out in faith and just go!
So, in February a team of eight went there to pray for two days. We had the most wonderful time praying at the border wall in a small town called San Luis and connecting with the local believers. Relationships are being forged so that we can continue to go there and pray until we see spiritual breakthrough with souls being saved, the churches growing and the border being fully secured.
Please continue to pray for us as we lead teams throughout the state of Arizona contending for the next Great Awakening. Our next prayer journey is the last weekend of March, and another planned for mid-May.