(Sep 12, 2014) Wow, a whole week since the first report…one amazing day after another. This second Field Report will fill you in on the next several days of this journey. For those of you who know any of the team members, be prepared for lots of great stories when they return! Pictures taken by Gregg are scattered throughout, giving you a taste of northern India.
“On Thursday, they had about 25 new believers come and we worshiped, I spoke and we prayed for them. After the guests left, the hosts and some of the musicians began to play music. Our team all surrounded them and all began to sing. Everyone had a blast singing and dancing and laughing for about an hour. It was so full of joy and unity. Had a wonderful celebration dinner with our friends from Christ Church that evening.
The conference on Friday was off the charts. The presence of God came in so strong. Lots of weeping. People began to run out and get friends and family members. The place was packed out…standing room only. A lot of new Christians and some unsaved were there. Spoke on being forgiven. Five men came forward for salvation.Very powerful! Ravi gave his testimony. It was amazing. A strong witness of accepting Christ then encouraging everyone in their faith and to trust God. He is so excited and he loved doing it. There is a spirit of true revival in this place. The pastors are very excited and are asking for more. There is such a great spirit of hunger and expectation here.
Johnny spoke at the youth meeting on Saturday and did great. He has a wonderful anointing and is a true joy to be around. Great time in church on Sunday as Manish and Barb preached and did a great job. Barb is on top of the world. Everyone just adores her. Each one on the team is fully engaged and being used by God. Such a powerful group! In the evening Manish met with the manager of the hotel and led him to the Lord. It was a beautiful salvation. I prayed for the man and then he gave me the biggest hug.
Monday we drove about 10 hours. Had a great day at the pastors conference on Tuesday. Met outside under a tent. Not a big crowd, but the ones that were there were very blessed. There was a strong presence of God. I invited the team to come line up to pray for people at the conference. Ravi has become part of the team, even praying for others. Watching him brings me such great joy.
On Wednesday, I spoke at the conference, again a great presence of God. We started to leave but stopped to pray over the group of young people who had done all the work. As I prayed a girl fell under the power of God, and soon many were on the floor weeping deeply. God just came in a way that was overwhelming to all of us. None of the team had ever seen anything like this before. It went on a long time. We finally left while they continued to pray. Later we were at a house group and a few of the girls from earlier came…it was supposed to be a few minutes but we were there for an hour and a half under the power of God. One woman had a 7 year old girl with a hole in her heart. God touched both of them in the most tremendous way. A 9 year old girl fell out in the Spirit and laid across my lap. The weight of His glory was so heavy.
Some of the pastors came by the hotel to say thank you. None of them have ever seen anything like what happened today and they truly believe they are experiencing a move of God. To say they are happy and excited is an understatement. Jesus has come to this area and we are all overwhelmed by what we have seen and experienced. This has been the most powerful day of the entire trip so far. Tomorrow we drive back to Chandigarh as most of the team leave over the next few days. Much ministry yet ahead for me.
Everyone is extremely happy and blessed. They are all thrilled about what they have seen and done. There has been great unity and joy throughout the entire trip. Each of them has been a great joy to work with. I will miss them! Please pray for everyone’s return travels and adjustments back home. Please thank everyone for their prayers. God is answering them in ways beyond what we could have imagined.”