(Mar 18, 2015) We left a week ago and it has been a great trip so far. Pastor Josh had a prayer event at his church on our first full day in Delhi with about 50 people or so. The three of us tag team preached then Josh spoke. Bronston and Andrew did great and then we had good prayer times. In the evening we went to a home gathering, about 25 people there. Had a good measure of God’s presence and a great time praying for the people.
We got back and Josh’s son and daughter in law were there. I got to hold baby Noah and pray and prophesy over him. He just kept looking at me and would smile real big to everyone’s delight, especially mine. Had a wonderful time ministering in church on Sunday. From 5-8 am on Monday we did a prayer drive around Delhi. Covered about 85 miles in and around the city. Had a great time talking with Josh before we flew to north Punjab to meet Mushtaq.
Had Pastors’ conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday. There was a great presence of God and the pastors have received us very warmly. In one meeting after I finished preaching, Shema was playing the guitar and the presence of God was strong. I was standing on the stage and an older pastor cane up to me. I thought he was wanting prayer but instead he stepped onto the stage and just hugged me for the longest time… weeping. It was a very powerful moment. God is so good.
The pastors are very excited and they are talking to Mushtaq about having me return to do 3-4 regional conferences bringing many pastors from several cities together at each place and then for a state wide conference, bringing the pastors together in unity to pray and release revival throughout all of Punjab. I am overwhelmed at what God is doing. Mushtaq is having a blast.
At the home meetings and visits there has been a lot of moving in the gifts, healings, and deliverance and he is loving it – we all are! Mushtaq is laughing and interacting with us like we are lifelong friends. He is constantly thinking of new ideas for us to do more with the pastors here. He is known everywhere and has a great reputation. He is the perfect one to have authority to make it all happen.
We will prayer walk the Golden Temple (Sikh religion) and do several home visits on Thursday. Another conference on Friday. Will have details soon. They keep us very busy and we are loving it! Still dealing with the cough, so prayers are appreciated for good health for all of us. Thank you!