Prayer Walking in Nepal

We had the most wonderful time with our Nepali host, Man Dai, praying in Kathmandu. For 5 days he led us to temples, monasteries, and other spiritual power points where we prayer walked and released the Presence of God.


On this journey our team was able to pray for a Buddhist monk, pray during a blood sacrifice of a goat at a Cali temple, witness the Hindu ritual of human cremation at the river and minister in a local church.

Thank you to Man Dai…what a great man of God and true brother in the Lord. Please pray for this nation that is still less than 1% Christian.

A Journey of Prayer: Kashmir Week 2

We have covered a lot of territory both physically and spiritually in Kashmir. Our second week we traveled to Kargil along the India/Pakistani line of control and prayer walked for 2 days, along the river, in the surrounding hills, and through the town. Many missionaries have prayed and labored there over the years with little results. Those who have become Christians in the past have left and there are currently no known believers in Kargil. God has highlighted this area to us as a place He’s wanting to break through…so we continue to pray.

Next we went to Leh where we had 4 days of prayer walking and ministering to the local believers. There are less than 200 believers in this entire region dominated by Buddhism. We were able to meet with Pastor Elijah of the Moravian church and have a wonderful time of prayer with him. The church has been divided for some time now and has brought much damage to the name of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit ministered deeply to Pastor Elijah and we have great expectation of victory in the days to come.  Later, God directed our steps to visit a home of another Moravian pastor in a nearby town, who, I found out, has been opposing Pastor Elijah. I spoke about unity, humility and forgiveness…and God smiled.

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A Journey of Prayer: Kashmir Week 1

Our first week in Kashmir began in Jammu where we met Pastor Ashish, a church planter with a government position as Minister of Religion in Jammu-Kashmir…a man of influence and action. We both feel our time together is strategic in laying a foundation for much more ministry in the future…his heart is for unreached people groups. He then joined our team for the remaining time in Kashmir…only God could put this together! The Christian school in Jammu where we ministered has over 300 students and about 70 orphans…such beautiful children. I shared my testimony and we prayed with the teachers.

In Srinagar we were able to celebrate the Muslim holiday called Eid at the home of our friend Irfan.  There are two Eid celebrations each year and we happened to be in Srinagar for both of them this year. Each time God’s presence and love has come into the room so beautifully.

We spent time in the Gujjar village to initiate the sheep project. THANK YOU to all of you who gave and prayed to make this happen. God has miraculously provided! What a joy to pray with the village leader and go from house to house in the village praying for the shepherds and their families. They are so gracious and so grateful for this opportunity. This picture is an example of the sheep that will be purchased this coming month.

They have invited us to return next June. The shepherds have agreed to take us trekking in the mountains to visit the shepherd camps and some other villages. I am so excited about this opportunity to trek with them, and pray in this region.

Again, thank you so much for partnering with us in prayer and giving as we GO!

A Shepherd Encounter

The airport was shut down. The roads were closed.

The snow kept falling.  This was Kashmir’s worst snow storm in 17 years.

We sat with Pastor Sunny drinking traditional Kashmiri tea, called kahwah, and praying. Our 2-day visit had now turned into 5. My team was beginning to think we had wasted our time coming here, doing nothing of significance.

As we sat watching the snow get deeper a man came to see me. Irfan, is a Muslim businessman who raises sheep in the mountains along the Pakistani border. He told us about a people group called the Gujjars who live a life of poverty high in the mountains of Kashmir. Irfan proceeded to share his vision of helping the Gujjars through an economic development project of raising sheep.

It took me a moment to grasp what was happening.  As we sat, stranded in a snow storm feeling like we were wasting our time, God used a Muslim man to invite us into a region that had been closed to Christianity for 2000 years.

Last month I was able to return to Kashmir and Irfan took us into the mountains to visit a village of the Gujjar people and meet the shepherds chosen for the sheep project.

We were received very warmly as we went from house to house drinking tea and breaking  bread together. It was a beautiful day as we walked up to top of a hill with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Then the shock came…Irfan and the village leader led me to the top and said, “This is the land we will give you to build your center so you can bring people here to pray for us.”

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Our Thailand Prayer Journey

by Kenda Wallace

TeamThis was a Holy Spirit appointed and anointed trip. Only the Holy Spirit could put together a team of 12 people from Arizona, Egypt, India and China. A team that was passionate about prayer, breaking strongholds and praying in a nation to be on fire for Jesus. This is exactly what happened from July 3-12th.

20170707_140930Missionaries Dan and Debbie Ecker and our Thai Pastors Johanna and Bill had been praying for a breakthrough in Thailand. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit they strategically planned our trip to prayer walk in cities in the northern and southern part of Thailand where Buddhism and governmental strongholds had initiated. The first three days our team was divided into the North and the South teams. As we traveled our hosts shared with us the strongholds in the Thai culture, religion, politically, economically etc. As they took us to the Buddhist spirituals areas, ancient ruins, governmental buildings our team would prayer walk, bind the demonic influence and loose the love and grace of Jesus over these areas.

Buddist templeOn the 4th day the whole team came together in Bangkok, where we had the opportunity to prayer walk at the grounds of the Grand Palace. We were able to see why this was a strategic time for us to be here. Their beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadez died last October, after being on the throne for 70years. For many Thai’s, Bhumibol was a Father figure spiritually to them and they were truly mourning over his death. His body is in a golden urn in the Grand Palace for an official grieving period of one year. We were told the Thai people are very concerned about the future of the Monarchy. Will the Monarchy be ruled by the prince, princess or is this the end of the Monarchy era? Therefore, very much a gap year.

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Kashmir Invitations

Team at riverWe have just finished our week of praying through parts of Kashmir. It has been a week where we once again stand in awe of what God is doing…so much beyond any human agenda could ever hope to accomplish.

It began with an invitation from a Muslim man to come to his home for Eid, a very holy day of feasting, celebrating the end of the 40 days of fasting called Ramadan. During the evening I had the chance to share with him about Jesus…the Presence of God was heavy as he listened intently.  We then prayed and blessed him and his family.

This man has also invited us tView from villageo to do an economic development project in a remote mountain village near the Pakistani border where there is severe poverty. It turns out that this project is among the Gurjars, one of the most unreached people groups in the world. They are nomadic shepherds spreading from Afghanistan through Northern India.

We visited onDan talking with shepherdse of their villages of about 250 people where we will initiate the project of raising sheep. We spent the day with the village leader going from house to house meeting the shepherds and their families. Our friend told them we are Christians and that in addition to the sheep project we had come to pray for them and their people.

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