One Prayer House at a Time

Team Report submitted by Shema

What happens when people pray? What happens when houses of prayer get built in the spirit first and then get translated into the natural? Prayer always lays the Praying at old CNIground for what God wants to do. Prayer precedes transformational revival as it comes into agreement with the plans of God and brings heaven to earth.

The past week in Kashmir has felt like a scouting trip for most of us. Right from the first day when we were invited to celebrate Eid with a precious Muslim family, through praying for the CNI (Church of North India) to win back a piece of their property from false claims (in order to set up a house of prayer), we felt like all along we were laying ground for the future.

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Not Easy, But Worth It

“Do you see that mountain?” My young pastor friend pointed to a grand peak far in the distance that towered above all the peaks around it at about 10,000 feet. “Yeah, it’s beautiful” I said. “We’re going to climb over that mountain today,” he responded. All of a sudden the mountain was no longer beautiful but very intimidating. My first thought was “You have to be kidding me!” My second thought was “Help me Jesus!”

And help us He did. Over 6 days we trekked about 60 miles through the mountains and valleys of the Himalayas praying and visiting remote villages. Over and over again I was told I was the first foreigner to ever be there. In most places we were told, “There are no Christians in these mountains.”

Our pastor friend grew up in these mountains and has extended family in many of the villages. Through him we were graciously welcomed iDeshraj group 4.17nto the homes and experienced the culture and hospitality of the Hindu mountain people.

As we went, we prayed that God would open up this region to the Gospel. We prayed for the veil to be lifted; that the people would no longer be blinded by the god of this age; that the Gospel of the glory of Christ would shine on them and the name of Jesus would be glorified.

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Prayer Journey: Kashmir and Thailand

On June 22 we begin a prayer journey, first to Delhi then back to Kashmir for a week. God has given my friend Mark Geppert a vision of establishing a House of Prayer in all 10 districts of Kashmir. He has asked me to bring a prayer team to pray through this region to help break things open for this vision to be fulfilled. Our team of 7 includes prayer warriors from India, Egypt and the U.S., and we are ready to see God do some amazing things!

Screenshot_2014-01-30-01-29-06From there we will be going into Thailand where a missionary friend has requested me to bring a prayer team. After more than 250 years of missions in this all Buddhist nation they have yet to see a major breakthrough of church growth that transforms a region. For 8 days we will prayer walk spiritual power points and finish off the last few days with non-stop prayer and worship to experience heaven touching earth. God has assembled a powerful team of 12 intercessors to go into this nation and bring spiritual breakthrough “for such a time as this.”

We have those who are ready to GO, but we need those who will SEND (give) and those who will PRAY for the team.

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Three Amazing Weeks

20170326_181305We had an awesome first week in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab with my friend, Mushtaq. Grace and Shirley were both very busy praying for people bringing healing and deliverance to many…they have been wonderful to have on the team for those first several days. The Presence of God has been beautiful as we traveled from city to city…each day was filled from morning to night ministering, praying, encouraging, and drinking endless cups of chai…feeling very humbled, thankful and overwhelmed at the love displayed to me this week…the people here have welcomed me as if they were welcoming Jesus. My heart is forever grateful for these beautiful people who pour themselves out daily for the Kingdom. Please continue to pray that God would pour out His Spirit and bring a Great Revival to “the Land of 5 Rivers.”

20170404_114938Our second week was just as full and blessed, ministering with another friend, Solomon. We saw many healings, and even Solomon experienced a personal healing of a severe food allergy he’s had for 5 years.  As we visited one area new to us, the pastor spoke of the great difficulty ministering here…how many missionaries would come but leave defeated. I immediately knew this was our assignment…to bring breakthrough to this region.  After our time there, we all sensed a level of breakthrough.  We are anticipating great reports.

IMG-20170411-WA0005Now well into week three, we have connected with a pastor in a small village, and were blessed to have a service in the prayer hall we helped build. Then we (a small but mighty team), began our trek in the Himalayan mountains, prayer walking through villages where there are no Christians. We will have several days of trekking in two different regions in north India. Please pray God will pour out His Spirit throughout the trip, starting a revival in one village that will spread all across these mountains. Please pray there will be open doors for ministry as His Presence enters the villages, that we would find houses of peace and open hearts. Pray for safety, good travel weather, divine health and strength/endurance…11.5 miles our first day with 25-30 pound packs. Some of us aren’t used to this!

It’s been three amazing weeks so far, and there’s still more to come! Thank you for your prayers that empower us daily to move in Him and with Him…God is good!

A Light in the Darkness

It was dark inside.  We had just stepped out of the sunlight into a small one room brick house.  There was no electricity, no lights of any kind.  As our eyes began to adjust we could see rice sacks scattered around like rugs trying to cover the dirt floor.  There were no chairs, just a bed in the corner to sit on.

A woman sat on the floor clutching a small baby to her chest rocking her back and forth as the little one coughed and wheezed.  Her husband scurried about the room looking for some cups as he prepared chai over a small mound of hot coals. He reached his hands, covered with dirt and callouses into a tub and retrieved some cups from the dirty brown water. He wiped his hands around in the cups in a gesture of trying to clean them for us and then poured the hot liquid.  I smiled and sipped the chai.

Screenshot_2015-04-06-18-26-36The woman’s dark skinned face was etched with worry as she told me of her child’s illness and showed me the medicine bottles that had taken their last rupees. Despite their sacrifices the child was not getting better.  I told them about the God who loved them, who died for them and who answered prayer. After a few moments the woman stepped across the small room and laid her little girl in my arms.  As she looked at me I could see sparks of hope trying to flicker in her eyes.  Hope that this God I spoke of would help her baby live.

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Heading Back to the Mountains

20170314_183246 (2)Our next trip to North India begins March 21st.  For 5 weeks we will be conducting pastor conferences, doing house visits, trekking mountain villages, prayer walking temples and drinking endless supplies of chai.  Please pray for us to have strength, endurance and carry a spirit of breakthrough everywhere we go as God uses us to advance His Kingdom. Funds are still needed for this trip, including scholarships for our India team to travel to remote places.