North India – Fall, 2019

What an incredible prayer journey! We had an international team of eight people who came from Egypt, Thailand, India and America.  We had a wonderful time prayer walking high places (one at 18,380 feet!), monasteries and other power points throughout two states and were able to do some personal ministry along the way.  One state was primarily Buddhist while the other one was primarily Hindu.

Recently, there has been renewed persecution against the Christians here.  We were able to connect with some dear friends that have been working in these difficult areas for a long time.  God used us to minister to them bringing renewed faith and encouragement. He also used us to release some divine strategy of how to continue to grow even as the churches and Bible schools are being attacked and shut down.  We were able to do teaching on how to implement a house church strategy.  Everywhere we went the pastors listened intently and received the teaching with eagerness and open hearts.

Another strategy we were able to release was the establishing of ISOM training centers.  ISOM is the acronym for International School of Ministry.  There are 160 classes on video with some of the best teaching available anywhere in the world. 

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The Moravian Lampstand

The elderly woman was slender and frail.  Her long grey hair hung in a ponytail down her thin back.  She looked tired as she took my hand and looked up at me, her dark brown eyes brimming with tears, the pain of her soul on full display.  “Please pray for my husband,” she pleaded.  “He is very broken.”

It was the summer of 2018 and this woman was the wife of the pastor of the Moravian church in the far North East corner of India along the Tibetan border.  They had been ministering among the Buddhist people here for more than 30 years.  But nearly five years ago there was a great conflict that arose in the church and it was deeply divided.

The pastor’s wife shared with me that the severe personal attacks and division had taken a toll on her husband emotionally and physically.  After 30 years of faithful ministry he was preparing to retire feeling broken and defeated. We had come here to conduct 26 hours of nonstop prayer seeking God to bring healing and unity to this church that had once carried the fire of God.

The Moravian church had begun in Germany during the early 1700’s.   God poured out His Spirit and the result of this visitation was 24/7 worship and prayer that lasted more than 100 years.  Out of this womb of intimacy missionaries were sent out all over the world to share the gospel of Christ.

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Time to Return

God has answered prayer and has given us a wonderful team for our fall trip. We have five people from the U.S. along with people from Egypt, Thailand and India joining us. We arrive India on September 20th and will be prayer walking in Northeast India, ministering at the Moravian church and then going into the mountains working with a local pastor. This team will leave India October 1, and Dan will continue to do mountain village ministry for the next 18 days.

Kashmir in Crisis

Kashmir has been a very complicated place since the partitioning of India and Pakistan in 1947.  Two wars have been fought over this highly contested land with the Kashmiri people caught in the middle.  Kashmir had retained a certain amount of sovereignty having its own government and establishing its own laws.

This has now changed. On August 5th India sent tens of thousands of troops into Kashmir removing its government and its sovereignty.  They arrested about two thousand political leaders, business men and educators.  They have the region on strict curfew and have shut down all forms of communication.  No tourists are allowed into the region until further notice.  Because of this we have cancelled our plans to visit there on this trip.   Please see our prayer requests for this area and help us pray for our friends.


Once Again We are Ready to Go. God is Ready to Move. Let’s Continue to Pray!

We leave June 21st to go back to Egypt, and will meet up with my daughter, Jenni there.  I have the honor of performing a wedding for a dear friend in Cairo and will also be prayer walking there and in Alexandria.  We then head to India, covering several different areas including visiting the shepherd camps in Kashmir and a one week prayer drive to expand into a new region of the Himalayas.  Thank you for continuing to pray.

Is it Worth it?

It was Spring, 2017. 
My lungs were on fire as I gasped for air which was in scarce supply at 11,000 feet.  My leg muscles were quivering from exhaustion from carrying my 35 lb. pack seven miles straight up a mountain.  I would take 15-20 steps, stop, suck air, then repeat… again and again. I felt God had told me to trek these mountains and pray but now all my prayers were focused on me not collapsing!  I was thinking, “I sure hope this is worth the pain.”  Finally, after several hours we reached the top and I dropped my pack and fell to the ground.  As I was trying to recover and feel my legs again I began to look around.  We could see hundreds of small villages scattered across the mountains in every direction.  From here we began to pray, prophesy and make declarations releasing the Kingdom of God throughout this region. For six days we did this, trekking, sucking air and praying.

Fast forward to Spring, 2019.
I was able to go back to this same region for a visit.  This time I met four different pastors that had been working in this area.  Each one told me of a great move of God that was taking place.  They now estimated that there were nearly 15,000 believers in this region, most of who had come to the Lord in the past two years.  During our time of ministry there God used us to bring deliverance, healing and great encouragement to hundreds of new believers.  

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