Getting ready to leave Sep 9th! God has assembled a great team of 12 people who are coming together from America, Egypt and Delhi to go into North India. Our first week we will be conducting revival conventions, pastor conferences and doing many house visits. Next we go into an area that is considered a war zone where there is currently much violence and upheaval. In this place we will be positioned in the church and will conduct 36-48 hours of continual prayer and worship helping to release the Presence of God in this region. Week three several of us will then head to Cairo, Egypt and beyond, where we will be prayer walking in places of unrest, rioting, violence, & where oppression and fear have had strongholds. One of the highlights will be a sunrise prayer time on Mt. Sinai.
Author Archives: Josh
When Will You Return?
“How many villages are in these mountains”?
“There are thousands of villages in these mountains, pastor.”
“How many Christians are in those villages”?
“There are no Christians there, pastor.” “None??”
“No, pastor, there are no Christians there. When we ask them if they know Jesus, they say ‘No, who is he? We have never met him. He has never come here.’ They have no idea who Jesus is, pastor.”
It took a moment for this to register in my mind, then it began to penetrate my Spirit…thousands of villages…tens of thousands of people who have never once heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How could this be? Then, to think this same picture was duplicated hundreds of times throughout the mountains of North India…I just wanted to weep…and GO!
During the next few days we visited some of these villages. In one of the homes they invited people to come hear about Jesus. We worshipped, told them about the God who loved them and died for them, and then we prayed. One after another received healing and deliverance. The joy on their faces when their pain was gone was priceless. One woman kept stretching her arms above her head saying, “I could never do this before,” smiling broadly.
Leh: Looking Back, Praying Forward
Our last week was in Leh Ladakh in the far northeastern part of Kashmir. We had the great honor of meeting with Pastor Elijah, the pastor of the Moravian church for the past 26 years. We sat for more than five hours as this man activated his teacher anointing and told us of the rich Moravian history of Leh Ladakh. His grandfather was one of the first converts to Christianity in this region. He was a well educated man and had a burden for the Tibetan people just north of the border where there were only a few Christians.
Pastor Elijah pointed to pictures on the wall of his grandfather and then proceeded to open up a brief case filled with old papers…that just happened to be the original hand written manuscripts of the very first Tibetan Bible. It was his grandfather that carried this burden for years, painstakingly translating each verse.
It was a great honor to see these historic documents first hand, looking back at the long, difficult path Christians had followed to establish the church in this region. Many people had come here over the years. Many of them suffered tremendously and even died for their faith. We felt like we were standing in their shadows as we looked at these precious pages.
New Works…New Life
We just finished our second week of prayer walking/hiking and ministry in Himachal Pradesh. We were able to spend time with three young men and their wives who are all beginning new works in this particular area. This was our third time to visit and pray here and God is doing wonderful things.
Our team prayed over the region in several high places, asking God to bring breakthrough and to pour out His Spirit in this place. It is a powerful prayer when you know you are praying the will of God.
In addition to praying in the mountains, we were able to do many house visits and pray for the sick. One woman who had much body pain and had gone through 5 surgeries was completely pain free after we prayed. The next day she asked us to do a house visit and pray for a man who had suffered a stroke. As we prayed all pain and restriction was gone from his leg and circulation returned to his hand…he kept looking at it, opening and closing it with a big smile on his face. We also prayed for a woman who had a stroke and she was restored…she was doing full squats up and down to show us strength had returned to her leg.
“Prayer Hiking” the Mountain Villages
We just finished our first week in a beautiful area of northern India. After weather delaying us and a necessary change in travel plans, we arrived very weary but excited to minister. We connected with one of the local pastors and held a one day conference for about 150 people, bringing God’s presence and
watching Him move. We then spent the next 3 days prayer walking the mountains and visiting villages. We were told over and over that there were thousands of villages throughout these mountains with no Christian presence that they knew of.
Our pastor friend arranged a meeting in one village where they invited the locals to come. We had a powerful time of prayer as many Hindus were healed and set free from demonic spirits…even a 9 year old boy was gloriously set free. It was a powerful witness for Christ as we presented the Gospel with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power. Next we were taken to a place where there were some Nepali laborers who lived in shanty tents alongside the mountain road. Once again Jesus came to heal and deliver. One woman in particular, who had hated Christians and opposed them was beautifully set free from evil spirits.
It’s time to GO again!
Dan will be leaving on Thursday evening, arriving in Delhi Saturday morning, the beginning of 3 exciting weeks of ministry and prayer walking in northern India. Gregg Ingallina, as well as Dan’s daughter, Jenni, will be joining him and Shema for weeks 2 and 3.
Pray with us that these weeks will be filled with the Presence of God everywhere we go, and that God would move in incredible ways through us. He loves to reveal Himself to those who seek Him. Prayer points are updated for the trip, as well as giving opportunities to still sow into this trip…we are almost there!
We will spend much of our time ministering to and with pastors, we will help jump start 3 church plants, prayer walking everywhere we go, and praying over everything that moves!
THANK YOU for your prayers, your love and your support. We are so thankful for God expanding the base…those who pray, those who send, and those who go. Our September trip is filling up, but we would love for you to consider joining us for two life changing weeks in northern India. Contact us for details.