No One Wants to Come Here

We sat in a classroom that had become the home for Ajit, Jayanti and their two sons.  Ajit spoke softly, sharing his story. “We came here as missionaries two years ago.  For years I asked my pastor for his blessing to come here but he always refused, but finally he gave us his blessing.”

Screenshot_2015-06-26-15-25-01Our team had come to Leh, in Northeastern Kashmir.  A very remote mountainous region which is isolated from the rest of the world for 6-8 months each year as the two mountain passes fill with snow blocking off all supplies and trade goods coming in or out. The population is 200,000, mostly Buddhist, with less than 300 Christians.

“When I arrived here I met with a motorcycle accident.  I broke both my wrists and my shoulder” Ajit continued. “I was in great pain and required surgery but I was not able to go to the hospital in Delhi.  It was 4 months before I had surgery. My shoulder is still not healed and is in pain.”    Continue Reading…

Ready to Return

Screenshot_2015-06-27-18-44-20Our next journey is now upon us (6/25-7/17). The first week will include a revival conference in Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) and prayer trekking through many villages. The second week Dan will be joined by other team members (both from US and India) and will head to another area of H.P. to help jumpstart 3 new church plants. Focus will be on home visits and prayer walking, again trekking some remote villages. Our last week we will be returning to Leh. Please pray that we will carry His Presence everywhere we go, and God will bring spiritual breakthrough to many individuals and regions on this trip. 

Helping to Advance the Kingdom

IMG-20160427-WA0007 (2)Thanks to your prayers and generosity, we were able to bless Pastor Deshraj with the money needed so they can complete the very first Prayer Hall in that region of north India. We rejoice with them that history is being made and the influence of Christianity is growing in these remote mountain villages. Please continue to pray for this pastor, his family and the precious believers that will gather here.

On our last journey we visited a small church in a remote village in Punjab. When I asked where the bathroom was they pointed to the nearby field. Hmmm…what to do? So we gave them money to build an enclosed toilet. They sent me a very nice thank you about how we have helped them advance the Kingdom of God there. Not quite a revival, but they sure are happy and thankful. You helped us “go,” so we helped them “go.” (LOL)

His Great Grace

Our 5 week trip through several states of India is now completed.  We have conducted pastors’ conferences, revival conferences, leadership training and countless house visits. We have seen hundreds of healings, many salvations, pastors come together in unity and many open doors for future ministry. Many churches and pastors are coming together and are inviting us to hold revival conferences for 1,000, 3,000, even 20,000 people next Spring…the platform to bring revival to North India is expanding rapidly.

Throughout this entire trip God has given us great grace.  


Our last week in India was spent doing leadership training in 2 states that I visited for the first time on this trip.  Shema and I were both feeling a little sick and the heat certainly had our attention, but God gave us grace to minister.  Each person there who needed healing received it.  Each person who was not filled with the Holy Spirit was filled and every person prophesied, most for the very first time.  It was a great joy to impart into these men and women who have sacrificed so much to follow Christ.

Leadership Seminar 2

How can I express or explain all that was done in 5 weeks of ministry? The sights, the sounds, the smells, the food…ahh the food!  Continue Reading…

Another Amazing Week in Punjab

It’s hard to describe this past week of ministry in Punjab. The pictures help tell the story. We have done so many things in so many places!

Rick prayingIMG-20160402-WA0000close up prayer

Dan-Rick-Mushtaq-leaders PunjabWe began with a 2 day pastors’ conference bringing unity, humility, forgiveness and healing.  There were 80 pastors in attendance who now are making plans to have us return next year for a 3 day revival conference where they all would bring their churches together.  At least 10,000 people would be expected to attend.

We then conducterejoicing in upper roomd a revival conference for pastor Raj in Amritsar. There were more than 250 people crammed into an upper room for 3 days of meetings. The Presence of God came with great love and ministered to the people. There were many healings as well as deliverances.

Continue reading…

Jesus Lifted Up During Holy Week at Christ Church

Christ ChurchWhat an incredible week we just had ministering for 9 days with the CNI priests of Christ Church, Mushtaq and Neera. Christ Church is a 150 year old Anglican church in Shimla, H.P. that in the past has not been open to those outside their denomination. It was a very special week to be with this wonderful couple. Neera has an amazing gift of hospitality that we thoroughly enjoyed, and she just knows how to love people, everywhere she goes.

Dan-Mushtaq-Rick (2)It began with Palm Sunday and God set the tone quickly, filling the place with His Presence. We had services each night and many house visits during all 8 days. Rick and I took turns ministering throughout the week both at the church and in homes, and the people received us beautifully, and we were able to pray for each one. We saw many healings during the week.

One woman who is a VP of a school was dramatically healed and began to bring fellow teachers to the house for prayer.  They were all Hindu but God touched them so deeply…the tears streaming down their faces as God met them, healed them and filled them with His love.  Read about the full week…