The Children

Submitted by Mandy Zimmerman, a member of our U.S. team from August, 2015 trip:

The first few days in India, I found myself often asking God, “What am I doing here?” It wasn’t until I was home for several days that God began to weave pieces together in my heart.

The children.

Kids KulluHaving four children myself and having been involved in Children’s Church, school activities and child care, I naturally lean toward children. While conducting conferences in Kullu, I noticed I got very little attention from the children. As they would walk by me, I would stare longingly at them with a smile, waiting on one glance my way.

When we got to Palampur, we were greeted by children who were alive and spurred by the Children at Palampurlove of Christ. I was in awe that they seemed to be the center of the ministry. The church would often go to children for prayer. Then at a tea plantation, we were met by children who stared longingly but showed little emotion when reached out to. I scooped up a little girl and planted her on my lap during our visit. She sat, singing songs and listening but neither offering nor receiving affection.

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When God Sets You Up

Submitted by Shema, who has been our co-leader on several missions trips, as well as our worship leader and interpreter.  A report from the August, 2015 trip:

TamannaSeptember 2014. Tamanna is a little girl maybe 8 years old, with the sweetest smile. Her name is means ‘desire’. But how much of her name will she live up to is uncertain. While other kids run around and play, Tamanna has bigger problems. A faulty heart and surgery before she reached 10, to name a few. And even then the doctors don’t seem very hopeful. Tamanna and her mom met a bunch of us, quite by chance actually. They were not Christians when they met us but we didn’t know that. Not that it mattered. We were all cramped into a little room somewhere in the Kullu valley when we heard of her heart condition. So we prayed. There was a thick heavy presence in the room that day as we prayed and prophesied over Tamanna’s little heart. Glory was in the room that day. Healing was in the room.

Move ahead to August 2015. There are a bunch of kids at the conference. They’re doing what kids do. Dancing during worship, playing during the Tamanna  2015preaching, gawking during ministry time as people are falling over, and then taking pictures with everyone. I can barely recognize Tamanna. I had to ask someone to make sure. And this is what I hear: Tamanna has been given a clear report by the doctors when she had a major check-up in March. What I heard next blew me away! So she and her mom were not Christians when they met us the previous year. But since that day, they believed a miracle had happened and they began coming to the Lord. Today they are strong believers sharing the Word with boldness and conviction!

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Shimla: A Weekend of Healing and Revival

IMG-20150904-WA0024Our wonderful trip ended with an incredible weekend of ministry in Shimla. Mushtaq invited us to conduct a 3 day conference at Christ Church. This is a very traditional Anglican church that is 150 years old. I must say I felt more comfortable being in the villages than in this very formal religious setting. Mushtaq had advertised the meetings as a 3 day Healing and Revival conference…and that is exactly what God did.

The first night there were over 200 people…a large crowd for north India. When we invited people to come forward for prayer there were some who literally ran to the front. God poured out His Spirit so wonderfully as the people filled the aisles and the front of the church wanting to receive prayer.

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Standing Room Only

Sirmor village conf blessing teamSirmor village conf worship

We just finished two conferences in Solan area. The first day was in a village and it was incredible. The presence of God was off the charts and the packed out room of approximately 200 responded beautifully. We had lengthy times in worship and just waiting in His presence. Such a hunger for God, and such beautiful brothers and sisters. God so delights in showing up. He healed many bodies and hearts that day.

Sirmor village conf in worshipSirmor village conf close up

In Solan we were able to use an Evangelical Free church right in the middle of town.  A woman named Deborah is the pastor. Her husband passed away just last year. Since they are not pentecostal it was a big step for them to give us the church for the conference. We are so grateful as God filled it to capacity.

There were abDan praying Solanout 250 people there. The room was packed out with people standing along the walks and on the doorways. The presence of God was very strong. There were extended times where He just came and the people would worship, pray and be swept up in the Spirit.

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Enjoying the Children and “God Surprises”

Kids singing

IMG-20150901-WA0000Our time in the Palampur area was filled with house visits, small gatherings, individual ministry and God surprises (a short break from the conferences). One morning we went to Bablu’s house, who I connected with last year. They had at least 30 people all gathered outside waiting for us to come. Many of them I had met last year so there were lots of hugs and smiles when we arrived.  We worshiped and I ministered. It was so good to see everyone again. They are all growing in the Lord and now with Ashish ministering here, there will soon be a church here. A godly woman has a small piece of land next to her house. She said she had a dream and wants to donate it to build a church. Ashish is very excited!

IMG-20150901-WA0003We also went to Adarsh’s village. I found out that we were the first white Christians who had been there. We had a great time of worship and fellowship. About 25-30 people had gathered there. It was a joy to hold Adarsh’s son, Prince Joshua, who many of you prayed for several months ago. He is doing well. We went to another villageDan with Prince Joshua closeup where there was only one Christian family and had prayer. Once again, the first white Christians to ever be there.  There are many, many villages in the region.  None of them have a church and there are only a few Christians among tens of thousands of people.

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His Presence brings JOY!

Barb dancing - much joy

The leadership conference was very well attended up north near Kullu. There were more than 200 people there for two days, one of the largest gatherings they’ve had there, more than double last year. There were long periods of people crying out to the Lord followed by very long times of complete silence as His presence was so heavy.

In the afternoon we had the worship team play and the people danced and danced. Everyone was filled with such joy and freedom. Joby spoke in thIMG-20150831-WA0001e afternoon and once again the presence of God came in a mighty way. I then began to call out things to be healed, backs, knees, stomachs, eyes, and headaches, shoulders, etc. and with each one there were many people who stood, and with each one it seemed every person who stood was healed.

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