Hiking “boots on the ground” and Apple “plucking”

US & India Team Cropped AUG15

The rest of the US and India Team members have arrived safely and we are now enjoying ministry together in another area of Himachal Pradesh…the second conference of six in various locations. Please pray for these meetings and unity among the leaders in these regions. Thank you!

Some highlights from this past week:

After Sunday ministry in Delhi upon arrival 8/16, it was off to the beautiful mountain villages of north India with a small India team. It is peak apple harvest season here – a billShema plucking applesion dollar industry mainly in Himachal.  Apples are not indigenous to this region. An American missionary brought them to this area in the late 1800’s and now it is the #1 driving force of the economy. We hiked a mile and a half up the mountain and the next morning we were trained to “pluck” apples. Ravi’s father is the apple master and there really is an art to plucking! You would not believe how perfectly gentle they are with each apple. We then hiked about 10 miles up and down the mountain prayer walking villages and temples. What a wonderful day.

In the evening we went to Ravi’s cousins house and had prayer and worship. His cousin had severe ear pain and God healed him instantly. This is the same place where we were last year and God healed his wife of years of severe body pain. (She is still healed by the way.) Each time we go the people become more and more friendly and they are more and more open to Jesus as we share His love for them. Continue Reading…

Off We Go Again…x2!

We are now busily preparing for our upcoming trip to north India, Aug 22-Sep 9. I will leave a week earlier. We will join a team of 7 from India and will travel to six cities in the Himalaya mountains, conducting Leadership conferences and making house visits.

20140920_124215The purpose of these conferences is not to teach strategy or methods on how to do their ministry better (God forbid!) but our only purpose is to bring a visitation of God’s presence through the Word, worship and intercession. The leaders experience brokenness and repentance. Their vision is changed from building their own ministry to coming into unity to build the Kingdom of God. It is our prayer that God will set a fire in each of these cities…revival fire…a fire that will not go out and will continue to spread through North India.

Last year we conducted four of these conferences and now the word has spread. Many more pastors want to participate and are asking us to come to their region. And now, because of what they saw God do last year, their faith level is very high. There is great anticipation for a visitation of God.

Then in October, I will participate in a missions event in Hong Kong. This event is hosted by SEAPC where they gather leaders from all over South Ea100_2838st Asia for a 4-day conference to pray, network, and rejoice in the great things God is doing in Asia. Then on to Tibet, Nepal and India to pray with Mark Geppert and his “A-team” at the Kailash mountains. These 7 mountains are the high places of the Shiva/Vishnu stronghold over all Hindus and Buddhists and represent spiritual bondage for more than 3 billion people. It is very strategic for us to go to these high places to pray. Continue reading

Expanding Territory

“Your team coming here is like a hurricane or an atom bomb going off. Your team has been a powerful force bringing the presence of God and changing things.” Our new friend “Ruth” was giving us her impression of our visit to northeastern Kashmir, a place “no one wants to come to.” In this primarily Buddhist area with less than 300 Christians we were able to minister in a Moravian church that is over 150 years old. During the Sunday service the presence of God came sweeping through the room. People began to weep, wail and cry out to God in intercession.   Once again, we stood, not moving, not speaking…just watching God do what no man could do. Then there were many healings and deliverances as Jesus came to visit His people.


This was Screenshot_2015-06-21-22-40-07our last stop on an 18 day prayer journey beginning in Punjab, continuing to Jammu, Srinagar and then across Kashmir to Leh Ladakh. We ministered in local churches, prayer walked many Hindu and Buddhist temples, Muslim Mosques, and several Hindu high places. Each place we went, we carried God’s presence. In one Hindu temple representing 33 million gods a Hindu priest actually bowed his head as I prayed in the Spirit. We also made many house visits praying with and encouraging believers.

Traveling with us were some dear Indian friends who have a large ministry of over 25,000 house churches in central India. It was our prayer that God would give them a vision and burden to expand their ministry into the north where there is less than 2% Christian population…and that is exactly what God did. My friends and I spent many hours praying, talking about vision and strategy to work together in the north. The Lord is expanding His territory! Continue reading

I Most Probably…Might!

20150625_125753Submitted by Shema, who has been our co-leader on several missions trips, as well as our worship leader and interpreter. Here is her perspective of one of her experiences:


I was being asked if I would come along on another missions trip. How desperately I wanted to say yes! But my circumstances seemed unsure over the next few months. Not wanting to lose the opportunity but with my head buzzing with the ‘what ifs’, I replied falteringly, “Uhh…I most probably…..might” and everyone in the room burst out laughing.

Fast forward a few months. We had driven almost 8-10 hours to get to an idyllic valley nestled between the Lower and the Greater Himalayas. Our aim was to c20140910_134050onduct pastor’s conferences in the region. But over the next 2 days, though we gave it all we had, the response from the area didn’t exactly have us throwing our hats in the air. Especially after what we had seen in some other places. We said our goodbyes, smiled politely and picked up our bags to leave, and someone (thank God) asked for one last prayer.


And suddenly He came. Crashed in. People began falling over without anyone touching them. Others getting wrecked by the kindness of God toppled over unable to remain standing. Involuntary cries of desperation began to ring out. What started as a quick, obligatory prayer lasted for more than 2 hours. Continue Reading…


His Agenda, Not Ours

girls in kargilman with gong India20150627_133539

After a long journey, much of it along the tense Line of Control (between India and Pakistan), and with an overnight in the military town of Kargil, we arrived in Leh, a city cut off from the rest of the world 6-8 months each year. Leh Ladakh is20150624_130908 also known as “Little Tibet.” An incredibly beautiful area of the Himalayan Mountains.

Highlights of our time in Leh included getting to know our wonderful guest house hosts, Nadia, her sister and mother (who was healed of a frozen shoulder before we left). We spent much time praying and worshiping with them over the 4 days we were there…in the sanctuary of the Moravian church, on the mountain pass, at the guest house and in homes. As usual, our steps were ordered by the Lord.

One evening we went to a couple’s home for dinner and had one of the most powerful times in the Spirit of this entire trip. After hearing their story of being led by God to come here and what they have endured over the past few years, Shema took us real deep with a prophetic song and we began to pray and prophesy. Continue reading

Humbled to be Here

Women on the TeamOur prayer journey brought us to the amazing city of Srinagar. We have connected with a CNI (Church of North India) there and have had some good prayer times. Began our Sunday with a visit to the Hindu temple, then church. Shema and I preached and felt a good measureDan and Naveed of God’s presence.  Unbelievable experience to preach in Srinagar. The people received us beautifully. We prayed for a number of people afterward and saw some good healings. After lunch with the pastor we went to the 2 major mosques with Naveed, our tour guide. He has been recovering from an accident yet came out to be with us…very dedicated, and it was good to see him again.

The pastor is very excited about us being here. It’s an amazing thing to know that you’ve been sent by God. I know God has plans for fruitful ministry here for a long time to come. There is much work to be done. Around 1.3 million in the Srinagar valley and less than 400 Christians.  I am very thankful, and humbled, that they have asked me to return and gather all the Christians together for 3 days of meetings. We hope to bring healing to their broken spirits and see the Church revived with hope, courage and faith once again. God has wonderful plans for them.

On MondayFlooding in Village, the pastor took us out to the villages where they are still recovering from the flooding. There are still lakes of water all around the shanties where the people live. Lots of sickness and disease because of the the dirty water. This is where Mark (SEAPC) made the commitment to help. I spoke with Sunny about the Village near Srinagarplans to get the water out and begin reconstruction.  Because of the bitter winters here we have a short window of time, just until the end of October to do as much as we can. If you would like to help, simply designate your gift for the India flood or give directly via SEAPC, great article: http://www.seapc.org/bring-hope-to-srinagar/

I can’t tell you how humbling it was to be here, to see the conditions, to meet those affected by the flooding. Back in Srinagar we met with some people and heard their stories. Continue reading