It fills you with wonder to see God’s strategy unfold…to stand in amazement knowing that what is happening is not due to anything you had planned.
Our October trip included 5 days for a SEAPC prayer-focused conference in Hong Kong, a 5-day “intro to India” for Jan (another “first”) including various ministry opportunities (see her “Taste of Asia” article on website), an Intercessors conference in Delhi, several days praying and ministering in remote villages, and a weekend in the Kashmir region.
This was my fourth journey to this interesting area of north India. The first time we went there to pray, knowing no one. The second time we went to pray and met one key man. The third time we went I was asked to preach at the Anglican Church. Now, for my fourth trip I was invited to conduct a 3 day healing and revival conference for all the Christians in this area. It’s an amazing thing to see what God opens for those who simply go…and pray.
But what makes this even more significant is the location of this city. It sits near the Pakistani border. It is known as a hot spot for militant extremism. It is 99.9% Muslim and the few Christians remaining are highly persecuted. It was in this place that God invited us to come walk with Him and pray…where He asked us to come and minister to His people…loving them, encouraging them, healing them, giving them new faith and vision.
It also fills you with wonder to know you have been sent by God with His love, with His authority and His mandate to advance His Kingdom. He leads us each step…walking through the streets past the military dressed in riot gear, the smoke from tear gas and flash grenades still hanging in the air as the mobs are dispersed…going house to house praying, healing and sharing God’s love…ministering at a healing and revival conference where God’s Spirit moved in power.
Thank you for going with us on an amazing journey once again, through your prayers and your giving. May you also be “filled with wonder” at what God is doing. We serve an amazing God!