Missions at Home: AZ TO DC

We have so enjoyed praying across Arizona in partnership with BridgeBuilders. It’s been wonderful to meet local pastors and intercessors of kindred spirit and lift their arms as we pray with them for their region. In October our dear friends from India, recent Bethel graduates currently still in CA, came to AZ to join on some of these journeys. We had a blessed, fun week with Rhema and Joby. We were honored and humbled that they would come to pray with us for our state and nation, and we know many in India have also been praying.

We have also had the joy of connecting with intercessors here in the Valley, many of them young people who love to burn before the Lord day and night. Their love and passion for the Lord is intense and it is so much fun to pray with them in various weekly meetings, special 4 hr sessions, a 24 hr session, as well as a gathering with Dutch Sheets with nearly 1000 people in attendance.  Prayer is the heartbeat of 5 Rivers, whether at home or across the world.

This fall during the civil unrest in the US, God told me to go to Washington DC with boots on the ground to pray.  The dates I picked just “happened” to be the exact day that Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court and also “happened” to be the same day that Lou Engle and Sean Feucht were hosting a prayer and worship rally on the National Mall.  What a powerful evening worshipping and praying with nearly 30,000 believers for our nation. God is doing great things and we are so humbled and blessed that He has invited us to be a part of it.

Pray Arizona – A New Partnership

“There have been many prophesies about Arizona being the tip of the spear and leading the way for national revival. What I want to see are prayer teams going to strategic locations throughout the state, staying for several days at a time and pray until we get breakthrough. It needs to be a sustained effort with measurable results.”

I just sat there and stared at him quietly for a moment. A mutual friend was introducing me to Hal and Cheryl Saks. Hal and Cheryl have been directing a prayer ministry here in Arizona for more than 30 years called BridgeBuilders. While I knew of them for years, this was our first time to officially meet. As I sat and listened to Hal’s heart the Holy Spirit began to poke me. This is not why I came to meet them, I thought. This was not on my radar. Then I heard the Spirit say, “This is your assignment. India is closed right now. I have a work for you to do here.”

Finally, I looked at Hal and said, “That is what I do. I go to the nations. I pray and God brings breakthrough. If you want to do that here then I am in.  Hal, you are the senior Apostle of prayer for the state of Arizona.  The only way I will do this is if I am connected to your mantle of spiritual authority in this state. Are you good with that?”

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The Rocks Cry Out

Recently one of our intercessors had a vision while praying for India and after asking that the hearts that had been ministered to would rise up and remember the truth they had heard. She prayed that courage would be steadfast during this time. She saw some shepherds pondering – some sitting and some lying down. Their hearts were being stirred and some were thinking there was more than what they had believed. Hearts were being expanded and a hush fell. She then realized she was hearing the actual rocks declaring the Lord and preaching of His goodness. The voice from the rocks was completely Dan’s voice. It was as if he himself was standing there in the wilderness proclaiming the good news. So powerful and encouraging! We thank God that He allows us to know that even while our boots are in AZ and not India right now, our ministry continues and His Word that has been sent out is still alive and active.

India Covid Update

Thank you to all of you who have prayed and so generously given to relieve some of the burden created by the pandemic in India. Through you thousands of people received food and prayer. Many people have become open to Jesus and our workers are finding great favor with some government leaders who at one time opposed Christians. The hungry are being fed. The gospel is being preached and God is moving in India.

But it’s not over yet. The need is still overwhelming as people were not able to plant crops or open their small business so what they normally would have to sustain them is not there. I can’t imagine being a father looking at my hungry children and yet unable to provide for them.  The pain and the need are real. We are grateful for your continued support as we continue to partner with those in India who can help meet the needs.

The God Who Sees

Meena is a young Hindu woman who has been living with her mother since she was separated from her husband this past year.  They sold toys door to door to make ends meet but during the lockdown they were no longer allowed to do this.  Their daily income dried up along with the meager rations of food.  After going days without a proper meal, they heard about this man who was giving groceries to needy families.  Through a friend they were able to contact him and Ashish went to their home immediately.  With great joy and gratitude they received the supplies.

“Who are you?” they asked.  “Why are you doing this?  Where did you get the money to help so many people?” I am a follower of Jesus. He is the one who has provided everything and He is the one who sent me here today.  He loves you very much and sees your needs.

“May I pray for you?”  he asked. They quickly bowed their heads and folded their hands in the traditional Hindu form and Ashish began to pray.  All of a sudden Meena’s body became rigid and she fell to the floor as an evil spirit began to manifest.  Immediately Ashish cast it out and Meena became alert again.  Because of this demonstration of the Spirit’s power along with their needs being supplied through the food, Meena became a follower of Jesus that day.  Then three days later, after weeks of no contact, her husband called and they are reconciling their marriage.  Once again God shows us He is not on lockdown and He is the God who sees.

This is only one of the many stories we are hearing of God touching lives and changing hearts through this food project.  Thank you for making it possible.  Without you it would never happen.  Thank you for caring.  Thank you for praying.  Thank you for giving. 

ISOM Classes Resume

While on lockdown, in between delivering groceries to hundreds of needy families, Ashish was on the phone working with local pastors to establish ISOM training points throughout the state.  The day after the lockdown, he started a new class with 8 students and one week later he started another training point with 6 students.  His goal is to raise up 100 disciples this year who will be leaders. One student who just joined the program said he had attended Bible College for two years and he had learned and received more in three days of ISOM than he had in those two years of Bible College.  We thank God for this training material that has been made available to raise up an army of leaders in North India.