Prayer Journey to India and Thailand This Summer – Come Get Some Dust on Your Boots!

Screenshot_2014-01-30-01-29-06Beginning June 21 we will be going back to Kashmir for a 7 day prayer journey.  God has given my friend Mark Geppert a vision of establishing a House of Prayer in all 10 districts of Kashmir.  He has asked me to bring a prayer team to pray through this region to help break things open for this vision to be fulfilled.

From there we will be going into Thailand where a missionary friend has requested me to bring a prayer team. After more than 100 years of missions in this all Buddhist nation they have yet to see a major breakthrough of church growth that transforms a region. For 12 days we will prayer walk spiritual power points and finish off the last few days with non-stop prayer and worship to experience heaven touching earth.

We are asking God to assemble a powerful team of intercessors to go into this nation and bring spiritual breakthrough. If this is something that stirs your heart to be a part of and would like to join our team please contact us.  You are welcome for all or part of the trip. This is your chance to be a part of changing the history of a nation.

Room For His Glory

dan-shema-jammuThe old Anglican church was packed wall to wall…every inch of the pews filled, young people on the floor, knee to knee across the front, leaving just enough space for myself and Shema, to stand to preach. Dozens of people sat on the grass outside under the moonlight straining to hear every word.

Two Anglican churches from nearby towns along with a Catholic church had invited us to come for 3 days of revival services.  What had been considered dead and dry religious institutions were now hungry for a move of God in their region. I had come to this area over a year prior. We prayer walked two towns.  We did not know anyone.  We simply prayed.  Now it was these same two towns that had joined for revival and who asked us to come release God’s Presence.  Not a coincidence.

dalhousie-pic-dec16-newsletterWe spoke about God’s grace and the Holy Spirit began to fill the room. So we let Him come.  We stopped speaking and waited. For nearly one hour no one sang.  No one prayed.  There was no music.  We simply stood and made room for His glory.  There were times of silence.  Times of intense weeping.  Other times of shouting and crying out to God. He had come…convicting, cleansing, forgiving, restoring, encouraging, transforming, loving. The hour slipped by like it was only a few moments.  We then released healing and over 100 people stood and proclaimed that their pain and sickness was gone and they had been set free.  There is a time for preaching, worship and prayer but there is also a time to just let God come.  We simply made room for His glory.

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No Closed Doors

Trip overview by Shema

Screenshot_2015-10-22-22-10-10Srinagar, 2015: Riots were still burning hot in the city when we arrived. The tear gas hung heavy in the air when we were dropped off on the street strewn with rocks that stone pelters had only moments ago used as weapons to engage the riot police. We had come in to do 3 days of revival meetings in a conflict zone…what a great idea! And as we moved in obedience, God came powerfully, and healed and set people free!

2016: The riots had resumed. Curfew was on for the 70th day straight. Markets were closed, streets were deserted. Food was scarce. We decided we had to go back again. If not now, then when? This time God inspired us to go into the city and pray for the region, for 24 hours, or more if we could. We would turn the church into a house of prayer while we were there. Local believers joined us. We slept on the floor in a back room, taking turns keeping watch in worship and intercession.

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Adventures in Egypt


We arrived in Cairo and reconnected with Chrissy and Krista who had headed home the week before…these girls are pouring themselves out to obey God in a very difficult land. They were unbelievable hosts setting us up in a 3 bedroom apartment and working out the best schedule possible for us to be introduced to Egypt and begin prayer walking.


minaret-cairoWe covered much territory in prayer during our week in Egypt. Our first day we went to the Citadel, a Muslim fortress built around 1200 AD. We then went to an ancient mosque that had been built at the gate of the city…there is a very high minaret built on either side of the gate and legend has it that a demon guards that gate. We divided up our team and went up both towers and began to call back and forth quoting scripture and declaring that the ancient gates were being lifted up for the King Of Glory to come in…what a powerful time.

team-on-camels-back-viewWe prayer walked/rode the ancient pyramids of Giza, praying specifically at all 3 pyramids as the area is now used by new age groups to conduct séances and the like. We were able to ride camels in the desert in this area, quite the experience! Also had the opportunity to take a prayer boat ride on the Nile river and later prayed over Tahrir Square, where the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, part of the Arab Spring, took place. In the evening we met with some wonderful friends of Chrissy and Krista and enjoyed a great night of prayer and worship.

Read the full report here with many more pictures…

Our Assignment: 40 Hours of Prayer

prayer-circleOur second week began with a 3-day stay at a CNI church doing a House of Prayer in the volatile region of Kashmir, with someone “on the wall” for 40 hours straight except for a few meals and tea breaks. The Spirit came on us with waves of His presence showing us what to pray. Praying in accordance with the will of God is prayingalways enriching and fulfilling as the Spirit prays through us. To be His vessels for this purpose was a great honor. In the morning members from the church joined us along with some Korean missionaries. Declared I Peter 2:9-10 over the youth of Kashmir.

kashmir-newspaperWe rejoiced hearing of increased movement on the streets, more shops open, traffic slowly picking up. Also there were some happenings in the UN between India and Pakistan that may affect infiltration of militant elements across the borders. We prayed long and hard for the borders of our nations! About 3:30am on the second night Shema began to hit it with a great anointing…the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is walking the border shaking his mane of fire. A local woman came to join us and God gave her a strong Spirit of intercession…she prayed all night with a great burden of the Lord. She is the one who suggested the reconciliation service to end our time together on the last day, whichfoot-washing-2 was very powerful as Indians and Kashmir’s asked each other’s forgiveness, wreconciliation-prayerashed each other’s feet and took communion to-
gether. It was a beautiful time in the presence of the Lord. So powerful and anointed.

Continue Reading about Week 2…

One Day Better Than Another

One of our team members, Pat, sums up Week One:


sep16-jammu-team-praying-at-a-home“We have had an amazing week in north India – one day better than another. These are such beautiful people. We have gone into many homes, heard of the situations, joys, & problems and prayed with the people. We have visited many Churches and prayed for revival and the needs of the people. We have participated in a Pastors conference and a Peace Convention and prayed for healing, revival, asking God to come in abundance, bring Peace, and bless these people. We have ministered to the poorest of the poor in the slums of Jammu. We have prayed for Peace over the border of India & Pakistan. We have seen so many people healed. Our God is amazing.”

Highlights from Week One and many more pictures…