Beginning June 21 we will be going back to Kashmir for a 7 day prayer journey. God has given my friend Mark Geppert a vision of establishing a House of Prayer in all 10 districts of Kashmir. He has asked me to bring a prayer team to pray through this region to help break things open for this vision to be fulfilled.
From there we will be going into Thailand where a missionary friend has requested me to bring a prayer team. After more than 100 years of missions in this all Buddhist nation they have yet to see a major breakthrough of church growth that transforms a region. For 12 days we will prayer walk spiritual power points and finish off the last few days with non-stop prayer and worship to experience heaven touching earth.
We are asking God to assemble a powerful team of intercessors to go into this nation and bring spiritual breakthrough. If this is something that stirs your heart to be a part of and would like to join our team please contact us. You are welcome for all or part of the trip. This is your chance to be a part of changing the history of a nation.