God’s on the Move – Healings, Salvations, Revival!

It’s been an exciting week in India! Ministry began day one sharing with 200 pastors at an annual conference in Delhi with Solomon and Harvest Ministries to the Unreached. Prayed with Josh’s church Saturday and then ministered in Solomon’s church in Chandigarh on Sunday (and two other locations) where we saw many healings and deliverances. Not only Shema, but Joby and Rhema from Delhi have been an integral part of this week’s team.

Joby-Rhema praying over Vijay family MAR16Monday we traveled with Vijay, one of the leaders of the Nazarene organization, to Amritsar, Punjab, the “land of 5 rivers.” During the day Joby and Rhema spoke at a small church and did a great job releasing the Presence of God and ministering to the people.That evening was the revival convention. They had expanded beyond the Nazarene church and over 25 pastors united their churches to help host the event. They were hoping for 500, but nearly 800 people came to the large hall they rented. This was historic!

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We had a great time of worship and then Shema and I preached.  Vijay had told me the main reason they asked me to come was because they wanted me to pray…that they saw I had power to pray (don’t we all?)! So we preached and then we prayed. Continue reading

The Land of 5 Rivers

We were in Punjab (which means “land of 5 rivers”), and it was hot. I mean it was really hot. People kept making their way into the large upper room of the pastor’s house. At least it seemed large until more than 200 hundred people crammed their way into it. They all sat on the floor, scooting closer and closer to each other as more people arrived.

With th2015 India #1 030(1)e increase of bodies came the increase in temperature. We sat drenched in sweat. On our previous visit here I had noticed that the room had no windows…just open spaces where the glass should go so I gave them an offering to purchase windows. Now I regretted doing that. They bought windows that could not be opened so there was no ventilation at all and the room was a giant oven…but no one really cared. They had come to worship Jesus and worship they did! For more than 2 hours they exploded in worship and prayer as wave after wave of God’s Presence filled the room.

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Coming Up Quickly…

20151009_202840In addition to the two sets of revival conferences in Punjab in March and April, we will also be speaking at a pastor’s conference in Delhi, conducting revival services at a CNI church for Holy Week, ministering to a group of church planters, conducting leadership conferences for the youth leaders of a large house church network and making many house visits along the way. Thirty-two days of being poured out in India. Please pray that we will carry His Presence everywhere we go.

And, speaking of prayer…


We are looking to increcolorrease our prayer base for these short term trips, and also for 5 Rivers in general. Pat Butler is our Prayer Coordinator who will be sharing needs as they arise, especially during the team trips, and keep everyone posted.

Please contact us if you’re able to be part of our intercessory team on a consistent basis or during trip dates – WE NEED YOU! Prayer is the heartbeat of 5 Rivers.

Click here for Prayer Points for this March/April trip

First Things First

I hear it all the time: ”You are the first foreigner to ever visit our village.” (Usually means I am the first Christian there, too, very cool.) “I am the first Christian in my village.” “I am the first Christian in my family.” “This is the first house church in this area.” This is the first prayer hall that will ever be built in this region.” “This is the first time we have ever had a pastors conference bringing the leaders together in unity.” “This is the first time we have ever had a healing and revival conference in a CNI church.”                                                 

It is a great honor to be a part of firsts…helping to establish things that have not been done before. This is one of the ways God has been using this ministry. As He unfolds His strategy, He leads us into regions full of unreached people groups and uses us to bring spiritual breakthrough…to create a starting point from which the Kingdom of God can take root, and grow.

Screenshot_2015-10-20-14-15-37But first we PRAY. This is always Gods strategy…to pray. We prayer walk temples,, high places and spiritual power points. We walk and pray, drive and pray, ride motorcycles and pray, climb mountains and pray, stand on roof tops and pray. We pray…and God moves. At times God has taken me into a city or a region where I knew no one. I was just sent there to pray. And now, within a year or less of being there, I am 20151009_152754being invited to come back into those cities to hold healing and revival conferences, encouraging and strengthening the churches. Is this just a coincidence? I think not! Prayer moves God. Prayer opens up unreached territories. Prayer is always FIRST.

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Filled with Wonder

It fills you with wonder to see God’s strategy unfold…to stand in amazement knowing that what is happening is not due to anything you had planned.                                    

20151021_205326Our October trip included 5 days for a SEAPC prayer-focused conference in Hong Kong, a 5-day “intro to India” for Jan (another “first”) including various ministry opportunities (see her “Taste of Asia” article on website), an Intercessors conference in Delhi, several days praying and ministering in remote villages, and a weekend in the Kashmir region.

This was my fourth journey to this interesting area of north India. The first time we went there to pray, knowing no one. The second time we went to pray and met one key man. The third time we went I was asked to preach at the Anglican Church. Now, for my fourth trip I was invited to conduct a 3 day healing and revival conference for all the Christians in this area. It’s an amazing thing to see what God opens for those who simply go…and pray.

But what makes this even more significant is the location of this city. It sits near the Pakistani border.  It is known as a hot spot for militant extremism. It is 99.9% Muslim and the few Christians remaining are highly persecuted. It was in this place that God invited us to come walk wit20151023_105100h Him and pray…where He asked us to come and minister to His people…loving them, encouraging them, healing them, giving them new faith and vision.   

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A Taste of Asia

by Jan Taylor

The Lord blessed me with the chance to join Dan on a ministry trip to Hong Kong and India last month…the first time I’ve traveled with him to Asia, and the first time I’ve traveled this far! I want to say THANK YOU for all the prayers…God’s grace was so evident throughout the trip. My flesh did not look forward to the long flights and adjusting to new cultures, dealing with jet lag, etc. But my spirit got the last word…or should I say the Holy Spirit!

20151007_150045 (2)Our first 5 days were in Hong Kong for a missions conference through SEAPC (SouthEast Asia Prayer Center), and we were not only blessed to reunite with some wonderful folks, but had the chance to meet and pray with some of God’s frontline20151005_171034 generals from many Asia nations. Since we’re focused on India, it was especially a blessing to get to know Madhu Bala, a woman who ministers amongst the poor in Hyderabad. What a powerhouse intercessor she is as well. And it was a joy to spend 3 days with our daughter, Jenni, who teaches English in Shanghai…she came up during her holiday.

20151010_170220If I thought the first 5 days were a blur of activity, sights, sounds and smells of a new culture, there’s just no comparison with the next 5! Most of my pics of India were outside a car window going pretty fast up or down the mountain roads. We were always on our way somewhere…to visit believers in their homes…to pray…to attend events…to share the gospel…to minister in church. And always to have tea, and usually to eat! I was blessed by the hospitality and the love of the people. I was honored to be among such humble believers and pray with and for them.

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