Another Journey Begins

Arrived safely in Delhi and had a great time in church on Sunday. Worship was over the top and a good presence of God while preaching. Got to have lunch with everyone at the church and they continued to come for prayer all afternoon. Monday morning we headed to Punjab joined by our Indian team from Delhi, where we mJUN15-GoldenTempleGroupet up with Mushtaq and Neera. We visited the Golden Temple during the day, prayed at Neera’s mom’s house, and church service in evening…about 100 people, including our two Sikh drivers (who were first to come to the altar for prayer). Great start to the trip.

IMG-20150619-WA0002Tuesday was busy with house visits, a mid-day gathering, praying at the Pakistan border, topped off with an evening service. Approximately 200 people crammed into an upper room of a house they use for church. Over 90 degrees with no a/c…we were dripping sweat but no one cared. Our time of prayer and worship was off the charts, a very powerful time. So blessed to have Shema with us once again to lead worship. There was no room to come up for prayer, but God began healing people where they were as I called out words of knowledge and prayed. The pastor is very excited and already wanting us to return next spring. Vicki and Theresa are having a blast as God is flowing through them in prayer and prophecy.
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June Prayer Journey

From June 12 – July 1 we will be leading a prayer team into Northern Punjab then into the far Northern state of Kashmir. This area is less than 1% Christian, with a great deal of persecution.

On our last trip we were introduced to Punjab and now they have asked us to make room for them in our June schedule.

Dan-Friends Road to SrinagarWe will then travel to Srinagar where we will be working with a CNI church in the all Moslem territory. We will minister in the church, make house visits, prayer walk Mosques and other strategic power points in the area. This is a highly contested territory between Pakistan and India. Much blood has been shed along this border where we will be driving and praying for several days. Continue Reading…


Embracing His Presence

(March, 2015) Mushtaq, the priest of Christ Church, Shimla had invited us to come to his home state of Punjab, (the land of 5 rivers), to conduct some pastors conferences.

It was at one of these conferences that Mushtaq and I had just finished preaching. The presence of God was heavy as Shema played the guitar and sang. We stood on the platform together, becoming spectators as we watched the pastors respond to the presence of God, crying out in prayer with loud voices.

Suddenly, one of the older pastors stepped out of the congregation and walked toward me.I thought he was coming for prayScreen Shot 2015-04-21 at 6.50.52 PMer but instead he stepped onto the platform, wrapped his arms around me and wept. He kept saying, “thank you, thank you, thank you,” as he held me in his arms. After some time he turned and went back to his seat.

It was just a moment in time. A short moment that has been burned into my spirit. At that moment this man was not embracing me but was embracing the Jesus inside me. He was embracing the presence of God. He was embracing the love of the Father, and he was embracing the move of God that was being released in this region. Read more…

A Warm Welcome at Christ Church

Dan-Mushtaq Christ Church(3/30/15) On Sunday at Christ Church we had a wonderful presence of God in the service. I spoke on “Behold the Lamb.” AfterDan-Mushtq Christ Church inside the service I prayed for people for almost an hour. The rest of the team had to leave by then, and I sure miss them! Saw some good healings. Mushtaq has invited me back to minister to his people in September, and they seemed excited about it. The people at the CNI churches are so warm and hungry…very open and receptive to what we are bringing.

We have been so blessed to work with such wonderful leaders as Mushtaq and Neera, along with Daniel and Arvin these past two weeks. I have the dearest friends here and am perfectly at home when I come. I have been blessed to watch Neera get overwhelmed by the Spirit and be so full of joy and laughter this week. They truly have welcomed us and treated us like family, and we have such a great time together. Continue reading…

God is Full of Surprises

(Mar 21, 2015) God is full of surprises! On Thursday, we were invited to go to a school with about 200 kids, started by a guy who wanted to care for the street kids (most live in tents). They areSchool sign called “ragpickers” because they would pick through the garbage looking for recyclables to sell.  I had no idea we were doing this until our driver stopped at the school. After it was all over I found out about the children and where they come from.

They lined up the children in 2 lines and we passed between them as threw flowers on us and put a string of flowers on our necks. They were all shouting Welcome, God bless you. They all looked so beautiful, clean and innocent in their uniforms. Andrew played a song for them. They asked me to share. Once again, I had no idea where these kids came from…so I shared about dad, the alcohol, the beatings, mom…The presence of God was beautiful. At the eDan hugging childnd they brought a little girl up to me for a presentation and told me “she has no mother and no father.”  She hugged me and I just about broke. It was the most amazing time of sharing the love of the Father. It is an experience none of us will forget. They were amazed that a white man had a similar story. Continue reading…

A Great Start to a Great Trip

(Mar 18, 2015) We left a week ago and it has been a great trip so far. Pastor Josh had a prayer event at Bronston and Andrew sharing at home mtghis church on our first full day in Delhi with about 50 people or so. The three of us tag team preached then Josh spoke. Bronston and Andrew did great and then we had good prayer times. In the evening we went to a home gathering, about 25 people there.  Had a good measure of God’s presence and a great time praying for the people.

We got back and Josh’s son and daughter in law were there.  I got to hold baDan  holding Noahby Noah and pray and prophesy over him.  He just kept looking at me and would smile real big to everyone’s delight, especially mine. Had a wonderful time ministering in church on Sunday. From 5-8 am on Monday we did a prayer drive around Delhi.  Covered about 85 miles in and around the city. Had a great time talking with Josh before we flew to north Punjab to meet Mushtaq. Much more…