Arrived safely in Delhi and had a great time in church on Sunday. Worship was over the top and a good presence of God while preaching. Got to have lunch with everyone at the church and they continued to come for prayer all afternoon. Monday morning we headed to Punjab joined by our Indian team from Delhi, where we met up with Mushtaq and Neera. We visited the Golden Temple during the day, prayed at Neera’s mom’s house, and church service in evening…about 100 people, including our two Sikh drivers (who were first to come to the altar for prayer). Great start to the trip.
Tuesday was busy with house visits, a mid-day gathering, praying at the Pakistan border, topped off with an evening service. Approximately 200 people crammed into an upper room of a house they use for church. Over 90 degrees with no a/c…we were dripping sweat but no one cared. Our time of prayer and worship was off the charts, a very powerful time. So blessed to have Shema with us once again to lead worship. There was no room to come up for prayer, but God began healing people where they were as I called out words of knowledge and prayed. The pastor is very excited and already wanting us to return next spring. Vicki and Theresa are having a blast as God is flowing through them in prayer and prophecy.
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